Our Products

Boreas 60


60% concentrate


1L, 4L, 5L, 20L, 25L, 208L


Boreas is a quality coolant/Anti-freeze made by Phoenix and is guaranteed to protect metal components from corrosion. Boreas does not contain phosphate, nitrite, silicate, and borate, giving it a non-abrasive formulation, allowing the water pump’s seal to last longer. Boreas is recommended for use in all vehicles notwithstanding the type or grade of the fuel that they use. However, it has been specifically engineered for use in engines sporting EGR and SCR.

Benefits: expand


  • Designed for use in engines running EGR and SCR technologies that can increase cooling system temperatures
  • Eliminates the cost of SCAs
  • Fully compatible with other quality Organic Acid (OAT) and Nitrited Organic Acid (NOAT) heavy-duty extended life coolants
  • Nonabrasive formula can improve water pump seal life
  • Optimal hard water compatibility and reduced hard water scale
  • Provides outstanding long-term elastomer compatibility


  • BS 6580
  • ASTM D3306

Application: expand

This Coolant / Antifreeze is recommended for all types of heavy-duty diesel, gasoline and natural gas engines, stationary engine applications regardless of fuel type being used. Also suitable for marine cooling systems where freeze protection is needed. Mixed fleets where both light-duty and heavy-duty trucks are present.